LogiSpaceConnect serves as your ultimate gateway to a comprehensive and up-to-date European market overview, designed to seamlessly connect space seekers with providers.
Read here how this partnership can help you:
For space seekers:
• No costs for you: LogiSpaceConnect charges success fees to space providers, making our services free for seekers.
• Comprehensive search results: Submit your search request and receive a detailed list of available properties that meet your criteria.
• Personalized online portal: Access a personalized online portal where you can view available spaces with color-coded indicators for better understanding.
o Red: Properties involved in other searches.
o Blue: Properties currently under negotiation.
o Removed: Properties no longer available.
• Real-time updates: Stay informed with real-time additions to your online portal and automatic email notifications for new listings during your search.
For space providers:
• Free registration: Register your property with us at no cost or obligation, including a brokerage proposal billed only upon final agreement.
• Flexibility: You have the freedom to continue searching for suitable tenants independently or in collaboration with other parties.
• Real-time visibility: Your listings are immediately visible on the interactive map for European parties searching for commercial space.
• Monthly newsletter: As a LogiSpaceConnect service, space providers and newsletter subscribers receive a monthly overview of all available properties within a 15 km radius of their (office) locations every third Tuesday of the month.
• Automated inclusion: Your listings are automatically included in both current and new searches, maximizing visibility.
• Contact only upon serious interest: We contact you to verify availability before presenting it to the seeker.
As a research tool:
LogiSpaceConnect serves as a valuable research tool for developers, investors, and entrepreneurs in the logistics and industrial sectors. When offering a property, the indicative location is displayed on the interactive map.
At LogiSpaceConnect, we are committed to efficiently supporting your search for commercial space by offering a transparent and dynamic platform.
Visit www.LogiSpaceConnect.eu and discover what the slogan: "Unlocking Opportunities in Logistic and Industrial Real Estate" can mean for you.
Join LogiSpaceConnect as a partner today and experience the benefits of a transparent and dynamic platform that makes your search for and offering of logistics and industrial real estate simple and successful.
Best regards,
Bas Dane
Ceo / Founder LogiSpaceConnect
Zuidhaven 9-11 op afspraak
4761 CR Zevenbergen
T: 0651846146
I: Website
Business facts
Medewerkers: < 5
Oprichtingsjaar: 2023
Vestigingen: 1
Jaaromzet: €250.000 - €500.000